Make a report to Stopline
1300 30 45 50 – Australia
Send an email to: [email protected]

Make a report via your smartphone.
Attention: BAI Communications, c/o Stopline, PO Box 403,
Diamond Creek, VIC 3089, Australia
NRS - National Relay Service
The NRS is a vital service that allows people who are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment to make and receive phone calls.
Whistleblower Hotline
At BAI Communications we have a whistleblower program that empowers you to play an active role in the elimination of improper conduct in the workplace. This program now provides access to Stopline, a confidential, independent provider of whistleblowing services who will take full details of your concerns via telephone, mail, email, fax, or this website. It is also important to remember our program enables individuals to maintain anonymity should they so desire. Stopline is available to all BAI Communications employees, contractors or designated stakeholders and translation services can be provided if requested. As well as the disclosure process, the website provides access to our Code of Conduct, Whistleblower Policy and answers to some of the most frequently asked questions for your reference.

Being open and honest is how we do business and work together. At BAI Communications, we hold the highest standards of governance and ethical behaviour. In the event of improper conduct taking place, we want to ensure that people feel encouraged and comfortable about reporting the misconduct and protect their identity if they wish to remain anonymous.
Like many companies, we have engaged an independent third party, Stopline, to operate our ‘whistleblower hotline’. If you suspect an employee of BAI has engaged in improper conduct in the workplace, please use this service to report the issue confidentially.
I would like to thank you for your support of BAI, our people, and our ethical business practices.
Peter Lambourne,
BAI Communications